Thermo Fisher Scientific Extension (formerly PPD)



Thermo Fisher Scientific (formerly PPD)


Morgan Architects


€13.5 million

JJ Rhatigan constructed the 3 Storey Annex Building at Thermo Fisher Scientific (formerly PPD), Athlone Business and Technology Park, C, Garrycastle, Athlone, Co. Westmeath. This was an extension to an existing pharma research laboratory facility comprising of 3380m². It included alterations to the existing building where interface occurs with the new extension.

Other internal alterations comprised of approx. 200m3 rerouting of electrical and gas mains supply, formation of a new site entrance and the provision of parking, hardstanding, soft landscaping and all associated works. The ground floor of the development consisted of a new full height glazed main entrance with spacious reception area, canteen, individual office spaces and large open plan offices and archive storage rooms. The first floor consisted of a mixture of conference rooms, more individual office spaces and large open plan offices to half of the floor with laboratories to the remainder of the floor. The second floor was fully dedicated to laboratories spaces. The roof space was dedicated to major plant and equipment with a fully enclosed plant room also located at this level.

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