Carrigtwohill Community College, Station Road, Terrys Land, Carrigtwohill, Co. Cork.



Department of Education and Skills


Healy Partner Architects


€41.6 million

The new Carrigtwohill Community College is located to the eastern side of the site forming a two-storey link to the existing housing along Station Road leading up to a 3-storey block as the building leads up the new road junction. The entrance is marked by a four-storey entrance pier. The building steps back with two finger pieces, these help to split up the play areas to the rear and create a return elevation along the new stream alignment. The development proposal includes for the provision of a new 1000 pupil post primary school building, with physical education hall, 3 classroom SNU, support teaching spaces, external material storage room for wood and metal work studies with associated covered work area, ancillary accommodation, cycle spaces, bin store/external store, ball courts, secure special play area, landscaping and new entrance, boundary treatment, car parking spaces, disabled access car parking spaces, drop-off and pick-up facilities. Area of the college is 11,102m2.

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